ZH-Common Spanish Words. Pseudo-anglicisms

Common Spanish Words for an Intermediate Students: Pseudo-anglicisms

This is actually a full video lesson (podcast version with an exercise, transcripts, translation, and vocab word list available by clicking here).

If you’re looking to learn Spanish, it’s important to focus on the vocabulary and phrases that are commonly used in conversation. This includes informal expressions and slang that can help you sound more like a native speaker. Some common examples of Spanish conversation vocabulary are explained in these video lesson. Remember you have the option to watch the video or the option to listen to the podcast and push yourself a bit further. 


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False and Fickle Anglicisms in Modern Spanish

The day comes! You start talking to natives. This is so exciting! However, you are coming across some words that sound like they come from English, but don’t quite make sense. These are called pseudo-anglicisms or false anglicisms, and they can be a tricky aspect of the language to navigate.

First, it’s important to understand that there are many common Spanish words that have been borrowed from English and are used correctly in Spanish. However, there are also pseudo-anglicisms that have been created by Spanish speakers. We will explore some of the most interesting examples of false anglicisms in Spanish and provide tips for avoiding confusion in conversation.

What are they? Put simply, it’s a word or phrase in Spanish that sounds like it came from English, but actually has a different meaning or origin. This is not language borrowing, people – this is just the Spanish language doing its own thing.

These pseudo-anglicisms, often arise when a Spanish speaker hears an English word and attempts to translate it into Spanish based on their understanding of the language. 

In this video-podcast we are offering you some informal Spanish conversation examples which can confuse you.

So, what are some examples of false anglicisms in Spanish? Well, one classic example is “footing”. This may sound like a fancy English term for jogging or running, but in fact, it’s a term commonly used in Spain and Latin America to describe going for a run. It’s like the Spanish language took the English gerund ending “-ing” and decided to run with it (pun intended).

Now, you may be wondering why Spanish speakers use these false anglicisms in the first place. Well, part of it is simply a matter of linguistic evolution. As English continues to dominate global culture and commerce, it’s only natural that some of its vocabulary seeps into other languages. Additionally, false anglicisms can be a way for Spanish speakers to sound trendy or cosmopolitan – sort of like how some English speakers throw around French or Italian phrases to sound fancy.

But false anglicisms aren’t just a quirk of the Spanish language – they’re an important part of speaking Spanish conversationally. If you want to sound like a native Spanish speaker, it’s crucial to learn informal Spanish expressions and slang, many of which incorporate false anglicisms. So, how can you learn this kind of Spanish conversation vocabulary?

One great way to start is by watching Spanish-language TV shows and movies. Pay attention to how the characters speak and try to pick up on any slang words or phrases they use. You can also practice with native Spanish speakers, whether in person or online, and use resources like ours, Fluent in Spanish, to learn slang and colloquial expressions.

But the best way to learn informal Spanish and false anglicisms is through real-life examples. So, we will be using them in this video lesson. This way you will understand if someone asks you: “¿Vamos a hacer footing esta tarde?” (Shall we go for a run this afternoon?) or “¿Qué piensas del edredoning en Gran Hermano?” (What do you think about the under-the-duvet activities on Big Brother?)

As you can see, false anglicisms are everywhere in informal Spanish conversation. But don’t worry – with a little practice and a lot of humor, you’ll be using them like a pro in no time.

So, how can you incorporate false anglicisms into your own Spanish conversations? Start by listening carefully to how native speakers talk, and try to emulate their speech patterns and word choices. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new vocabulary and expressions, and don’t worry too much about getting things exactly right – the point is to have fun and communicate effectively, not to be perfect.

It’s also worth noting that not all false anglicisms in Spanish are created equal. Some are more widely accepted and understood than others , and some may even be frowned upon by language purists. For example, “puenting” (bungee jumping) and “footing” (running) are generally considered acceptable.

But whether you’re a language purist or a linguistic adventurer, there’s no denying that false anglicisms are a fascinating and important part of the Spanish language. So go ahead, use them in your conversations – just make sure you’re using them correctly and appropriately. And remember, the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the process of learning and using informal Spanish conversation vocabulary.

In conclusion, learning false anglicisms in Spanish is a great way to expand your vocabulary and sound more like a native speaker in informal settings. From “footing” to “sofing” to “edredoning”, there are plenty of examples to explore and use in your own conversations. So don’t be afraid to embrace these linguistic quirks and have fun with your Spanish!

This is actually a full video lesson (podcast version with an exercise, transcripts, translation, and vocab word list available by clicking here).