Do you often wonder if you are saying the word you meant to say in Spanish? I will give you some examples of odd, and funny sentences that you might be saying if you are not pronouncing vowels correctly. Be prepared for my funny sentences with mistuderstandings, and for an exercise with key answers at the end of this podcast.
Welcome, my beginner level student! Or not… maybe you’ve been studying Spanish for a while and you realize that your pronunciation could be better. So welcome to both of you! This is your place. You see, there are common pronunciation mistakes for Spanish learners. This mistakes don’t allow them to sound as clear as they should. Sometimes the person knows a lot of Spanish but doesn’t quite remember the Spanish pronunciation rules. Be that as it may, in these years of teaching I realize that one essential thing, when you start out, is to have a teacher who will present you with a complete pronunciation guide for beginners. This podcast is intended to be a vowel pronunciation guide for everyone, beginner level students or not. In the end the important thing is to find a way to improve your pronunciation, to be more understandable. We have so many words with so many vowels together, right? If we don’t solve that little problem with vowels, the words won’t sound right and…. uuupppppsss misunderstanding in sight!
Cuando una persona empieza a aprender español, rápidamente quiere aprender a pronunciar la letra R (rrrrrrrrrrrr). ¡Qué difícil! Sí, la letra R es importante y difícil pero si hablas inglés, aprender a pronunciar las vocales(7) es muy importante porque son diferentes de las vocales en inglés.
When a person starts learning Spanish, they want to rush to learn how to pronounce letter R (rrrrrrrr). It is difficult! Yes, letter R is important and difficult. However, if you speak English, learning how to pronounce vowels is very important because they are different from the vowels in Engli
¿Qué significa vocales? Vocal significa vowel y vocales es el plural vowels. Aprender a pronunciar las vocales en inglés es muy importante también, ¡y muy difícil para mí!
What do es vocales mean? vocal means vowel, and vocales is the plural form vowels. Leraning how to pronounce vowels in English is also important, and difficult for me!
Let me switch to English a minute to tell you that when I was learning English, I had problems with vowels, and still have them haha. One day I was trying on a pair of jeans in a store, and when the clerk asked me how they fit me, I said they don’t feet me. And in a supermarket, I asked where the deal was when what I wanted to buy was dill. I might not even be pronouncing it perfectly even now hahaha, but thanks, God I am here to teach Spanish, and not English.
Las personas no pueden entenderte si no pronuncias bien las vocales porque la palabra que tú dices es diferente a la palabra que tú quieres decir. Entonces esta información es esencial para ti.
People can’t understand you if you don’t pronounce well the vowels, because the word you are saying is different to the one you meant. Then, this information is essential for you.
Primer ejercicio: nombre y pronunciación de las vocales en español (03:24)
Las vocales en español son 5 y soólamente hay 5 sonidos. La palabra “sonido”(8) significa “sound” En español, hay un sonido para cada vocal.
First exercise: name and pronunciation of the Spanish vowels (03:24)
There are 5 vowels in Spanish and only 5 sounds for them. The word “sonido” means “sound”. In Spanish, there is one sound for each vowel.
En inglés, por ejemplo, hay 5 vocales también pero no hay 5 sonidos sólamente, hay muchos más.
In English, for example, there are also 5 vowels, although there are not only 5 sounds for them, there are a lot more – I mean more vowel sounds than vowels-.
Los nombres de las vocales en español son exactamente iguales a la pronunciación que las vocales tienen.
The names that the vowels have in Spanish are exactly the same as the sound they have.
Let’s start with mouth fitness!!
¿Estás listo o lista?
Are you ready?
La letra A, letter A, en español es A y la pronunciación es a, siempre(9). “Siempre” significa “always”.
The letter A, letter A, in Spanish is A and its pronunciation is always a. “Siempre” means “always”.
¿Puedes repetir el sonido a, por favor?
a a a aaaaaaaa
Can you repeat the sound a, please?
La letra E, letter E, en español es E y la pronunciación es siempre e.¿Puedes repetir el sonido e, por favor?
e e e eeeeeeee
Letter E in Spanish is E, and its pronunciation is always e. Can you repeat the sound e, please?
e e e eeeeeeee
LLa letra I, letter I, en español es I y la pronunciación es siempre i.
i i i iiiiiiii
Letter I in Spanish is I, and its pronunciation is always i.
i i i iiiiiiii
La letra O, letter O, en español es O y la pronunciación es siempre o.
o o o oooooooo
Letter O in Spanish is O, and its pronunciation is always o.
o o o oooooooo
La letra U, letter U, en español es U y la pronunciación es siempre u.
u u u uuuuuuuu
Letter U in Spanish is U, and its pronunciation is always u.
u u u uuuuuuuu
Ahora vamos a pronunciar todas las vocales juntas: a e i o u. ¿Puedes repetir después de mí? A e i o u.
Un poco más rápido: A e i o u – a e i o u
Now we are going to pronounce all the vowels together: a e i o u. Can you repeat after me? A e i o u.
A bit faster: A e i o u – a e i o u
Y ahora un poco más rápido: A e i o u – a e i o u
And now a bit faster: A e i o u – a e i o u
Y más más rápido: A e i o u – a e i o u
And faster and faster: A e i o u – a e i o u
¡Tú puedes! Aeiou
You can do it! Aeiou
Segundo ejercicio: palabras para pronunciar (06:50)
Recuerda que en español pronunciamos todas las vocales siempre aunque hay una excepción: cuando la letra u está en la combinación: que, qui, gue o gui, como en las palabras queso(10), quince(11), hamburguesa(12) y guitarra(13). Repite conmigo estas palabras:
Second exercise with words to pronounce in Spanish (06:50)
Remember that in Spanish we always pronounce every single vowel, but there is an exception. When letter u is in the combination que, qui, gue or gui, as in the words: queso, quince hamburguesa y guitarra. – I mean we never pronounce letter U in these combinations – Repeat with me the following words:
Tercer ejercicio: cambio en el orden de las vocales (08:53)
Ahora cambiamos el orden de las vocales y pronunciamos los sonidos.
Third exercise: change of the vowel order (08:53)
Now we will change the vowels order, and we will pronounce those sounds.
This is mouth fitness!!
U o i e a – u o i e a – u o i e a
U o i e a – u o i e a – u o i e a
Cambiamos el orden de las vocales otra vez.
Now, we change the vowel order again.
E o u a i – e o u a i – e o u a i
E o u a i – e o u a i – e o u a i
La letra i griega o ye, letter Y, también tiene la pronunciación i cuando no está delante de una vocal:
Letter Y – it has two names in Spanish, it used to be i griega, and now it is called ye, both names are in use nowdays-, has also the pronunciation i when it is not before a vowel:
Por último, aquí tienes un ejercicio para practicar la comprensión auditiva46. Tienes que averiguar qué es lo que estoy diciendo. La solución la podrás ver al final de la transcripción en mi página web. También puedes parar este audio y repetir en voz alta47 para practicar la pronunciación, ¿listo? ¿lista?
Exercise four: what am I saying? Listening exercise for Spanish beginner students (11:02)
Finally, here you have an exercise to practice listening comprehension46. You have to find out what is what I am saying. You could see the answer key at the end of this transcription on my webpage. You can also stop the audio, and repeat out loud47 in order to practice pronunciation. Ready?
Número 1) Hay una gata en mi sofá:
Opción a) There is a female cat on my coach.
Opción b) There is a drop on my coach.
Número 2) Hay una gota en mi sofá:
Opción a) There is a female cat on my coach.
Opción b) There is a drop on my coach.
Número 3) Tenemos una mesa en nuestra cocina:
Opción a) We have a table in our kitchen.
Opción b) We are having a mass in our kitchen.
Número 4) Tenemos una misa en nuestra cocina:
Opción a) We have a table in our kitchen.
Opción b) We are having a mass in our kitchen.
Número 5) Aquí tengo mucho color:
Opción a) I am very hot in here.
Opción b) I have a lot of colour here.
Número 6) Aquí tengo mucho calor:
Opción a) I am very hot in here.
Opción b) I have a lot of colour here.
Número 7) Tengo una ruta en bicicleta esta tarde:
Opción a) I am having a bike route this evening.
Opción b) I am having a rat riding a bike this evening.
Número 8) Tengo una rata en bicicleta esta tarde:
Opción a) I am having a bike route this evening.
Opción b) I am having a rat riding a bike this evening.